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Share with the Public

To share with the public, you'll need to navigate to the Sharing options window. Click the Media options icon Three dots icon for the asset you want to share.

Warpwire Media Libraries dropdown menu opened

If you select "Share with everyone on the web (Public)," the final item in the sharing drop-down, anyone who has the link to your asset will be able to view it, without logging in. Please ensure that you have the appropriate rights to share content with the general public before doing so.

Media sharing options for Warpwire asset, 'Public' selected

Enable Public Downloading

In Warpwire, downloading is disabled by default. Users have the option to enable public downloading on a per-user basis, allowing the user to share media with their institution or the public.

Please note: We recommend enabling this option on a case-by-case basis, and only if you want users you may not know to be able to download your media.

To enable this feature, first go to the desired Media Library or Media Asset.

Click on the Media Library or the three-dots button next to the asset. Then, click Share.

Click the share button to begin enabling public download

Now, click Edit Permissions.

Click edit permissions

Finally, check the box next to "Allow downloading of this media for all users with access".

Check the box to allow public downloading

See also: Share with your entire Institution, Share only with admins (private) and Share with Users and Groups (Protected).

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